Merry Christmas Everyone...Happy Holidays! Here is our tree this year. I don't think this photo does it's justice but we like it. A lot of our family and friends get a giggle out of it. It is a "Kid" Christmas tree. Decorated by a six year old truly. Lots of handcrafted ornaments and stuff. We did not want a department store this is it! It really is fun and sort of charlie brownish, but it sure does make the house smell good. This year we hiked up into the hills to find this one..its about ten feet tall. Santa has yet to put presents under the tree. Sophia has no patience so she must wait..or she'll peek!
Here is the stockings so cozy hanging patiently over the fireplace...just like a story book tale! The nativity scene with baby Jesus is also on top of the fireplace. At night the tiny lights come on and a beautiful glow surrounds the holy is precious to look at.
This is the road in our neighborhood where we walk our dog Chloe everyday. If you keep going down you will see the mountains and forest covered with a ton of snow. Mt. Bachelor has had 142 inches of snow in the last few for skiing!
The Ford Explores is now Jesse's car. He just got his permit to drive can you believe it. Although he should be driving...we are not too excited about jumping into a car with him to see how he would handle the roads in this weather...icy and slippery ...yes it is!
Here is our house...not too bad yet. But its starting to get there. I wish the city of Bend did not make us cut down all of the gorgeous trees we had...
Here is the house across the street. This home is for sale and is supposedly in foreclosure...its an awesome chalet like cabin home. Great for a resort home...lots to do in Bend, Oregon. Skiing, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, boating ...on and on...I love this house. I would buy it if I could.
Merry Christmas to all my Etsy friends and family who have a chance to see this. We live 20 minutes from the 6th largest ski resort in the US. Look me up...we are going up tomorrow. Have fun everyone...enjoy your family, and good health. Remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Deep Hope for a Better Future
As some of you may know, I am trying to raise money to support a mission in Africa to help get clean water wells, medical supplies and many necessary items to the severe poverty in Africa. My dear friend Merrit had a recent trip there and shared a lot about her experience and how her trip touched her life. Please read her story by clicking on her picture.As we are nearing our holiday season, I honestly can't help to think about how so many of us live our lives so differently. Even sometimes when you think many materials can make you so happy, a lot of time it really does not. Simplicity really has a meaning to it and happiness can be found within it. We just don't even know how to be so simple anymore. Personally, I think this is the reason.. why.. we are yearning to get back to the "handmade" goods. be simple I would suppose.
In the past I have had my own missionary works in which I was fortunate enough to travel to Romania and visit many orphanages. I remember seeing and feeling the happiness of children who literally had clothing, hardly any food and no family. Yet, they can smile and be happy, laugh and play. It truly amazed me. Its hard to see, it really is when you are really blessed with so much more. But who am I to judge true happiness.
Our First Snowfall
Yeah..Its finally snowing! My gosh November was unusually warm and finally we are getting our first snowfall. It moves the spirit and keeps you chilly too! We live 20 minutes from Mt. Bachelor and all the kids were so excited to go skiing and snowboarding for the first time this year. Of course with our economy being so makes it worse when we don't get the snow as our town counts on tourism from skiers and all that goes with it.
Heres the road I walk my dog on every day. Keep going and you will hit some of the most beautiful forest in the world and mountains too! We feel so incredibly lucky to be able to live here! Last day for guaranteed Christmas shipping is the 15th for the US. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!
Busy Busy Busy
Gosh, life really has been very crazy! I work in a mailing and shipping store and omg...nuts nuts nuts. There is a real meaning of going Postal...I do know! But here are a few of my latest creations. I have a total of 12 sales in November, so I am going to add an extra $12.00 to BloodWaterMissions for all of my wonderful customers...Thank you for your support for me and them!
Please stay tuned because I want to share a great family Italian reciepe that will knock your socks off.. when I get a moment! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!
Christmas is near!
Oh Look, what I just made yesterday. I finally finished polishing and taking photos of these gorgeous earrings..called "Oregon Moss". The green quartz briolettes remind me of the green moss in our forest intertwined with the yellow golden moss on rocks. Although green is a festive color for Christmas ...these earrings can be worn all year long!
These earrings are called "Tears of Love". The red czech celsian crystals are an incredibly beautiful ruby red shade. They seriously make a bold statement. These just remind me of an urban eclectic whimsy look of a jewel. Looking for red? Well here you go.
I am donating $1.00 of every sale to BloodWaterMission in Africa to help get clean drinkable water to areas of severe poverty. $1.00 goes a long way there. Thank you.
The Giveaway: Helenes Dreams Etsy Giveaway
Yummy Yummy Homemade Soaps!
Hi Everyone! It's been a few days, and I just wanted to share a few things with you! My dearest friend Kim has recently joined Etsy to sell her most awesome incredible goats milk and shea butter soaps! She also sells them for really affordable pricing. I have to tell you ...I don't think she can continue at these prices! She insists on giving everyone an incredible opportunity to have some yummy homemade soaps. I will tell you that these soaps smell incredible, lather up very nicely and they really hep with your skin. All ingredients are natural. You have to try it!
For nearly 2 years now, Kim has been working at my store,Postal Connection, and everyday Kim brings her best friend in Peanut. Peanut is a mixed breed dog and has been the light of Kim's life. Peanut is a very smart dog. She has human senses and it always felt like she was speaking to us through her big eyes! She also wears you and I , everyday! Recently Peanut has fallen ill. We found out that she has Diabetes- Insulin dependent, Cushing's Disease and she is now completely blind! Wow. Kim has been devastated and has been trying desperately to raise more money to pay for a lot of vet bills.
I am amazed at the endurance and love for Peanut that Kim has. Not only is she a good mother to her children, but she loves this dog like her own child. Many vets have advised her to let Peanut forever..but Kim will not have it. Even if her vet bills are thousands of dollars Kim will work and find a way to keep her little friend alive. Honestly, it is stuff like this that makes everyday worth it. Watching those who make sacrifices and seeing how happy they are as friends. I love both of them and want to find a way to support them.
Check out Kims Etsy store.
Please leave a comment..its good advertising for you!
Tails From the Pound
When I found this shop and read the story of the Paw Prints Project, I knew I had to share this with all of you! I know...lately my stories have been about animals and I just can't help this one. Look at my doggie on the right and look at this little fellow above. I am heart stricken I can't believe this guy was sitting at the pound. Here's what Cindy quoted: ( "Somebody's Princess" - This little Shih Tzu was somebody's special dog. She had all the manners of a pampered pet, has been groomed and seemed to have been well taken care of - how she ended up in the shelter is a mystery.)
Cindy and Matt live in Arizona and they kindly volunteer to take pictures of the animals at their local shelter and post them to the shelter website. With hundreds of beautiful portraits of these homeless dogs & cats - they began to create vivid pop art prints that capture the spirit of these wonderful animals. They sell the prints on Etsy and donate 10% of the proceeds to the local animal shelter to support them. They are hoping that someday each animal will hopefully find a home.
Etsy store PawPrintsProject is filled with numerous prints of real animals....each with a story. Their beautiful faces are adorable and only love from an animal is immeasurable. I truly wish I could take them all! If you have a special animal friend that you would like a vivid beautiful art print of please contact PawPrintsProject. They also take custom work.
Please take a moment to comment and share. Thanks for taking a peak.
Winter Flower Girl
Well, I finally finished this gorgeous whimsical girly girl bracelet. Being its Veterans Day today, my daughter was able to keep me company along with her little friend Catherine. No school for them. I really love working with the glass flowers...they have "happiness" written all over them. At least the little girls thought so. Don't you think a bracelet like this would be cute for a little girl?
Now last week was one of my best weeks selling jewelry on Etsy. And, amazingly enough it seems that I was getting more sales at the retail store and at shophandmade by golly, now why is that? I often wish I new the deep underlying secrets of how "man" works in conspiracy's and they don't even know it! Or is it my attitude? Gosh I wish I could figure this out.
It has been slow in the store in the last two days...not sure if this is the quiet before the storm but I am hoping to start selling a few pairs of something every week ...just to keep the hobby going. Today is the last day for entry on my pair of earrings "Oregon Sunset" at Wishing Willow blogs. You never can't win if you don't play! Thanks for reading and have a great day.
18 days till Thanksgiving!
Well today its Sunday and I have spent some lovely time with my little girl, Mia. She is a sweet 6 year old learning to design and create jewelry already. Every time I make something she decides to do something too. She has her own little table, beads and wire and off she beads. We talk while we work together, about school, what she "needs" for Christmas, her big brother and her daddy. I soon realize that we are bonding, and maybe someday she can be my partner in jewelry creation...who knows!
In the meantime, I too have created some new beautiful pairs of earrings, a necklace and a bracelet. I have listed my new things as of last night and hope viewers are pleased. I am using more jasper lately ...very earthy look and natural blends of colors. I wish photo's could be better because in real life they are awesome and I know will do well in my retail store.Any comments are welcome. I will be soon having more giveaways that are being hosted by other blog specialists! I will let you know soon. Thanks and have a great weekend everyone!
Supporting the World Animal Foundation
Baby harp seals are so adorable...don't you agree? It simply is hard to believe that these little guys are being hunted and destroyed for their furs still today. Even so, it is thought that this act was banned, there are still stories of ruthless killings of such wonderful and beautiful little creatures.
Valerie Galloway, an Etsy photography artist, and her seven year old son, Chet, have decided to take matters into their own hands. They have adopted seven baby harp seals and sponsor them through the World Animal Foundation.
Each of Valerie's photographic images tell a story and carries an element of the human spirit... what we may feel in emotions can be expressed in her photography as we view her scenary. In this picture below Valerie quotes " this particular angel somehow spoke to me."20% of the proceeds from the sale of her art in her etsy store, ValerieGalloway, is donated to the World Animal Foundation, for both the love of harp seals and of course Chet! Her son was especially bothered by the killings of harp seals and felt compelled to do more. Maybe that angel has something more in mind...Valerie! Thank you for reading...comments are welcome! Check out Valeries' store below.
Barack Obama- Our New President
Well, today marks a mile stone for all of us Americans as we watch history in its making! I am so happy all of this election stuff is over with and we can let these fine fellow men and women just run our country and whip us back into shape..I'm telling you. I am not a political person at all...just a person who wants peace as much as possible. I personally think we have to call anyone "brave" to take on us Americans..whew!
So now that this is all over...does that mean in two years we have to go through all the same hoop-las for another 24 months of campaigning? Enough already!
I guess I am one of the lucky ones ...I just convo and chat in forums on Etsy while everyone else watches TV...thank god for Etsy..peace loving folks over there...just making pretty things everyday. How nice!
8 and 9 Year Old's Fundraising on Etsy!
Leah and Yulan of SoapWerks from Etsy stores is only 8 & 9 Years old respectively! Together they are fundraising money to sponser a 9 year old orphan in China named Yuan Yuan.. whom is a dear friend of Leah's. They sponsor her through the Chinese Orphanage Assistance Team (COAT), an aid organization based in Australia.
Together these young ladies are creating adorable children's jewelry, yummy lip gloss, and wonderful smelling soaps with the help of their adopted mother Kathy from SoapWerks.
SoapWerks & Werking Studio features natural soaps, body care products, environmentally friendly candles, and handpainted items. They have a retail shop in Midway, Kentucky and have 3 generations of working women who have been creating soaps all of these years.

Giveaway at Wishing Willow!

It is true my jewelry inspirations mainly come from my visions here. The fact is our Mother Earth has a lot to offer us. Of course some stones are natural and some are man made, but the unity of delicate materials comes together and makes more great beauty we can share with ourselves. Just as our Mother Earth creates, I think so does the integral part of every human being... we may have this same desire in one way or another. Would you not agree?
I am learning to blog and feel all of this. As I am not one to talk much about myself. But in learning the ropes here at seems like we have to put ourselves out there to get exposure. As time goes on, I would like to introduce my family, but I will wait just a bit to make sure I truly feel comfortable with that and this "internet" world we live in.
Thanks for taking a look today...thanks for getting to know me. I am hoping to learn more about you too! Don't Forget to enter the giveaway at Wishing Willow! Good Luck! If you scroll down you will See the "Oregon Sunset" earrings I am giving away! Also remember I am supporting Blood Water Missions in they certainly could use some help.
My first feature in a Blog!
I have to admit that this is something to tout about. As being so new to etsy and trying to learn the ropes...any recognition is just simply exciting. The Friago Blog is a beautiful artistic blog in itself and anytime you need to brighten your should link hop over to It is definitely worth the moment of your see such glorious man created goods and arts of this etsy world we live in. How truly lucky we are to have the ability to
make so much beauty. I know its possible..its real and we can do it!
I am also still seeking other etsy sellers who are supporting a cause. At this moment I awaiting more detailed information from them...hopefully soon I will have a new article for you!
Have a wonderful day! Helene
Today I opened a new shop at 1000 This site is different and I think it is going to do super well. It features markets and shops from various parts of the U.S. Their website is still developing but the feel of it really incorporates a more humanly feel then I have ever seen on the internet before. Check them out at
Modest Milk supports the March of Dimes.
ModestMilk is a store for nursing accessories to help the nursing Mom and is run by Amie. Her first two born girls were twins. Today, Marylou Janice is now in heaven and her 2lb sister is now 2 and a half and a walking miracle.
In honor of Marylou and Providence, Amie donates 10% of her proceeds to the March of Dimes . She also puts together care packets for mothers whose young infants are in the hospital. She hopes that by offering encouragement to mothers and helping fund research to prevent prematurity and stillbirth her daughters lives can continue to impact and encourage other parents during a difficult time.
Please help support Amie and her efforts to support the March of Dimes by visiting her etsy store. Modest Milk
Help support Blood Water Mission in Africa
I can feel the nip in the air and the leaves of golden yellow and red are accenting our streets. I have decided to create some jewelry in the spirit of Autumn..... for the colors of the sunset are really at their prime now. These earrings are called "Oregon Sunset." I can see it now...can you?
For every sale I make ...I will donate $1.00 to the in Africa which is committed to clean blood and clean water to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic, to build clean wells in Africa, to support medical facilities caring for the sick, to make a lasting impact in the fight against poverty, injustice and oppression in Africa through the linking of needs, talents and continents, of people and resources. $1.00 can make a huge difference...$1.00 saves. Thank you kindly for your support. Together we can make a difference. Helene
Advertise with Helenes Dreams!