It's time for a brand new Etsy giveaway starting this week on April Fool's Day! And this is NO JOKE! I would like to introduce to you another great Etsy shop..3 Squares! This shop is owned by Jean in Raleigh, North Carolina. Jean dropped out of the corporate world to keep her sanity and focus on the things that she is most passionate about. Aside from her family, she really enjoys creating jewelry and cooking, so it’s no surprise that most of her beautiful designs are inspired by something edible.
Her jewelry is crafted from a mixture of metals in many forms and with a variety of finishes. Found objects are sometimes incorporated as well. She is mostly self-taught, and she continues to explore new materials and techniques. Her goal is to offer an eclectic menu of unique and interesting pieces one can enjoy wearing or giving.

Here is what you have to do to enter this contest:
You do not have to be a blogger to enter.
It is open to World Wide Entries!
PLEASE NOTE: Each entry must be posted separately to count.
2. For a 2nd entry join my mailing list. Only 4 to 5 newsletters a year will be emailed with seasonal discounts and freebies! (You can post this entry if you have already joined my mailing list!)
3. For a 3rd entry if you would like..follow my blog, or link back to my blog, or blog about this great giveaway! ( You can post this entry if you already follow my blog or link to it. Please post the url link if you blog about this giveaway.)
4. For a 4th entry you can twitter about this giveaway. Please post here with your twitter user name.
The lucky winner of this wonderful giveaway by 3 squares is entry #69! Congratulations to Jill!

Timestamp: 2009-04-013 02:21:57 UTC
Thank You to all of you who participated in this contest!And most of all a great big Thank You to Jean for hosting this wonderful giveaway from
Please come back for more great giveaways on Helenes Dreams blog!