Mother's Birthstone Jewelry Sterling Silver & Genuine Gemstones
Hello beautiful peoples! How are you all? I have to admit..I am lame..for not posting sooner. Uugh! I will tell you that vacation time was wonderful. Hawaii was absolutely gorgeous and I honestly want to move there. It's all I ever ever think about now. Seriously. Here's why. I don't see the sun where I live often anymore. Although Bend, Oregon is absolutely beautiful..its always chilly and cold to me here. We have been coveted by a thick blanket of clouds that barely let's any sun in and lately it is just dark, gloomy and depressing. Can you tell? I have SAD... (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Okay, I admit I have a disorder, I suppose. Call it what you want...I need sun. I need it to feel warm..to be happy, and this darkness is getting to me. And, since I have tasted Hawaii..I am craving it even more so. So there's that issue.
As I am trying to keep positive..I am just trudging along lately..waiting for sun. I have been busy with life, work and lot's of jewelry. I can't complain about that. I have been very busy with lot's of mommy jewelry..which is fascinating to me. I am ever grateful to my mom..and I realize how lucky I am when someone asks me to make something special for theirs.
I did get to visit with my mom in Feburary and I think part of my great sadness is realizing the effects of the stroke my mom had last July 2011. She is not the same anymore and I feel that she will always be greatly affected. She still can not walk very well for long, she no longer can drive and she is suffering from vertigo..or dizziness. The dizziness does not allow her to strengthen her ability to walk and get stronger because she feels like she can fall. I visited with her for about 10 days and I felt like she was regressing. Since then she sounds sad and miserable..and this affects me greatly too! Another part of my sadness I suppose. I guess it all comes together.
Birthstone Rings, Mothers Ring Sterling Silver
On the bright side of things, I have been stirring up some new creations when I have the chance. I have not been able to get photo's just yet..the weather has been so dark ..I am waiting for some decent light to get pictures ..hopefully soon. I am posting lots of the mother rings I have been making..they are sweet. I am running out of the textured wire for spacer rings in these sets..and the supplier will not be selling it anymore. Although, this ring set has done very well for me..it will be time to move on eventually to a new design set soon.
Well my friends..thanks for keeping in tune to my blog. I welcome your comments and thoughts. I love knowing someone is out there in my cyber world. I promise to post very soon. I am taking doses of Vitamin D and looking for lights as we speak..Ha ha! I have some new designs and I CAN NOT WAIT to show them all to you!