Snow Day in Bend, Oregon

snowday,centraloregonweather,winterstorm, helenesdreams

It's a snow day today, here in Bend, Oregon.  Well, actually yesterday was too.  I tried going into work yesterday but I did not get to stay too long.. Our town was hit with literally 2-3 feet of snow within a 12 hour period it felt and I was not able to get my Toyota Rav 4 out of the parking lot at Willow Lane.  Just way too much snow!!  

Today after spending all morning shoveling snow out of the patio and driveway..... I was able to get into my Willow Lane studio at 3pm and tried to put 4 orders in the mail.  For those of you whom placed orders, please know I am working all day long tomorrow and Saturday for those Christmas orders. I truly appreciate your patience.

Thanks for reading!

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