The one thing I did not really get is how to set a square cabochon. The detailed technique of it is not so easy to grasp or even explain. I tried filing the corners down first, but that is not all you have to do. It really is technique and it needs to practiced to be a master at it.
First of all setting a square cabs with corners is very tricky. It really is important to practice your technique and use the right tool! YES, the right tool helps. I have been using a bezel pusher...but I really never used my bezel rocker. At first this tool was so strange to me. I wondered ..what? How the heck does this thing work? So, I threw it back in the drawer and that was it for the next few months. After struggling with the bezel pusher on square cabs one after the other...I thought..what am I doing wrong? Of course nothing in metalsmithing comes with instructions..have you noticed?
The next step is to understand the technique used with this type of tool and to follow through with it. Honestly, I can't explain it in such great detail. But if you go to this site here:,1738.0.html this kind gentleman will show you EXACTLY how it is done. Oh my really works! Once you get this..PRACTICE!
Okay so I will show you some improvements on my square settings:
If you go back in my archives, you will see my before photo's of this exact ring style and well, I would say...what a difference! I love square cabs..and now I can set them. YAY!
Here is another ring, I have this for sale in my shop as well. No pinched corners...I just love it. This ring is so amazing in real life..very very pretty this labradorite gemstone is. If your looking for some great cabs you can also stop in and check out my Cab shop: 101 Best Beads on Etsy!
In a few weeks, I will be gathering some information on how to polish and research what types of tools to use for you newbies like me. I will be posting that information here too. Of course experimenting is what I do best. So please stay in touch. It is a learning process.
Have a great holiday season with your family! Any comments are welcome..let me know you stopped in! Thank you!